Hospital Auxiliary and Volunteers
Bulli Hospital has a dedicated Auxiliary who work tirelessly to support the hospital. A small number of auxiliary members volunteer on site. If you are interested in joining the auxiliary, the hard-working members are always looking for new ideas and new members.
Operational: 94 years
Main purpose: Raising funds for Patient comfort needs
Key activities: BBQs, stalls, raffles, Soup Days, annual luncheons, special morning tea for patients, ANZAC and Remembrance Day ceremonies, Christmas Twilight Markets, and more
Meetings: 10:00am – 12:00pm, 1st Wednesday of each month. Rose Cottage, Bulli Hospital.
Contact 02 4249 1400 and ask to speak to a member of the Auxiliary.
If you would like to fundraise for Bulli Hospital, please visit our Fundraising page for detailed information.
For more information about volunteering, fundraising or donations visit our District Get Involved page.