Sterilization Services Department
The Sterilization Services Department (SSD) provides sterilisation of Reusable Medical Devices (RMDs) within Wollongong Hospital, and for outlying organisations, including Bulli Hospital and local area clinics.
The aim of SSD is to provide a high quality service, and to guarantee this through the effective use of all department resources.
SSD is vital to the wellbeing of patients under the care of Wollongong Hospital, therefore the Service is always required to operate to the highest standard - there is no such thing as an almost or nearly sterile item! An item is either sterile or unsterile - there is no in-between.
Contact Information
Wollongong Hospital
Building A, Level 4
Loftus Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
Building A, Level 4
Loftus Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
6:00am - 1:30am
7:30am - 11:00pm
Weekends and Public Holidays
After Hours enquiries: 02 4255 1569
Please contact us to discuss fees, Medicare rebates, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, etc...
Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local Health District