Paediatric EEG Outpatient Clinic - Wollongong Hospital
What the service is
An outpatient clinic for children requiring EEG medical diagnostic testing
What we do
Medical diagnostic tests for children requiring electro-encephalograms (EEG’s)
What to expect
Outpatient medical diagnostic testing for children
How to access this service
Access to the EEG Outpatient Clinic is through referral from a Paediatrician only
Contact Information
How to get there, including by public transport
Closest bus stop: Crown Street entrance to Hospital
Train: Wollongong station to Hospital – 8 minute walk
Car parking
Parking available
Advice for disabled in getting to the service
Disabled access available
For more information on transport options for the Wollongong Hospital or visit NSW Public Hospital Parking and Directions website or download the HosPark App from App Store or Google Play.
Please contact us to discuss fees, Medicare rebates, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, etc...
Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local Health District