COPMI (Children Of Parents With A Mental Illness)
What the service is
The COPMI Coordinator position is a consultative, supporting role to Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Child, Adolescent and Adult Mental Health services, with strategic leadership duties encompassing both hospital and community services, across the lifespan.
What the Coordinator does
The COPMI Coordinator supports the needs of children and families where a parent experiences a mental illness. Services may include, consultation and staff training, brief interventions (jointly with the clinical team), group programs, liaison with partner agencies, provision of education, resources and referral options.
How to access this service
This service is consultative and referrals are not available.
Staff within the ISLHD Mental Health Service can contact the COPMI Coordinator by calling 42541600.
Contact Information
Wollongong NSW 2500
Downstairs (of Community Mental Health)
Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays): 8:30am to 5:00pm