GOT-IT! (Getting On Track in Time)
The ISLHD Got It! Program is an early intervention, mental health initiative that is a collaborative effort by the Department of Education and NSW Health.
The program is delivered in Illawarra and Shoalhaven Public Schools, supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of children and families in Kindergarten to Year 2.
Got It! supports a whole of school intervention, professional development of teachers, specialist assessment as well as targeted therapeutic intervention and referral for children and families.
The program is delivered by NSW Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinicians, who provide neuro-biologically informed, attachment focused interventions to strengthen family relationships and equip children, parents & teachers with tools to manage challenging emotions and behaviours.
Contact Information
Coniston, NSW 2500
Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays): 8:30am to 5:00pm