Out of Home Care
Who we are
Children and Young People in Out of Home Care (OOHC) often have higher rates of physical, developmental, emotional and mental health problems and these needs are frequently unrecognised and unmet. The purpose of OOHC by providing health assessments and a Health Management Plan, is to identify any health related needs and to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people in OOHC.
What we do
The Out of Home Care (OOHC) Program initiates health pathways, including the coordination of primary health screens, comprehensive health assessments and health management plans, for children and young people who enter OOHC (i.e foster care) within the ISLHD area
How to get help
Referrals for the program are made by Family and Community Services (Community Services) and are received by the OOHC Coordinator (Health) who actions referrals onto the OOHC Health Pathway.
Address: 42A Porter Street NORTH WOLLONGONG NSW 2500
Phone: 02 4224 2900
Opening hours: Monday to Friday
8.30am to 5.00pm
How to get there
- Public transit: closest bus stop is Porter Street then 1 minute walk
- Train Station: North Wollongong – 5 minute walk
- Car: 5 minute drive north of Wollongong
Car parking: Yes
Disabled and pram access: Yes
Contact Information
How to get there, including by public transport
Closest bus stop: Porter Street – 0 min walk
Train Station: North Wollongong – 5 minute walk
Car: 5 minute drive north of Wollongong
Car parking
Parking available
Advice for disabled in getting to the service
Disabled access available