Drug and Alcohol Information and Referral Helpline
The Drug and Alcohol information and Referral Helpline is a free and confidential service. When you call you will speak with a psychologist, social worker or registered nurse. Our staff are available between 9 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday and can help you;
- decide what types of support will suit you best
- organise counselling or detox support
- provide information on rehab services
- provide information on the effects of different drugs or alcohol
- answer questions about drugs or alcohol use
If you are feeling unwell, have recently travelled or you have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID 19 please phone our services before attending.
Please follow social distancing rules when attending
If you have been asked to isolate please phone us to make other arrangements for your treatment
For more information and the latest updates on COVID-19 visit NSW Health COVID 19 - Find the Facts
Contact Information
Please contact us to discuss fees, Medicare rebates, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, etc...
Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local Health District