Drug & Alcohol Service

  • If you are feeling unwell, have recently travelled or you have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID 19 please phone our services before attending. 

  • Please follow social distancing and mask wearing rules when attending 

  • If you have been asked to isolate please phone us to make other arrangements for your treatment

  • For more information and the latest updates on COVID-19 visit NSW Health COVID 19 - What you need to know


Our Services

Illawarra Shoalhaven Drug and Alcohol Service offers a range of treatment and support services for people with problems from their alcohol, prescription or illicit drug use, and/or for their families and carers.


We will coordinate and arrange the best treatment and support for you based on your needs. 

Please contact us: 

  • If you have or think you may have a drug and/or alcohol problem. 
  • If you are working with or supporting someone who has a drug and/or alcohol issue.


Location marker Drop in and visit:

clock icon Drop in hours:

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8.45 am - 4:00 pm

phone iconPhone: 1300 652 226

Information & Referral Helpline is open  between  9:00 am and 4:00 pm


phone iconNeedle and Syringe Program: 0411 408 726

In an emergency call 000

mobile phone icon

 Want us to call you?

  • SMS your name to 0497 652 227
  • This is an SMS line only.
  • We will call you in business hours. 
  • Calls from us appear as a private number