The Carer Gateway
Carer Gateway 1800 422 737 (Mon to Fri 8am to 5pm)
Carers NSW
Carers NSW 02 9280 4744
Carers NSW is the peak organisation for carers in NSW. You can join for free and receive a regular newsletter.
The Carer Life Course identifies six phases of caring that most carers go through and provides information, support and resources for each stage.
Multicultural Carers
Information In Other Languages
Information useful to carers in other languages can be found online at:
Mullticultural Health Communication - NSW Health
Multicultural Health Service
Aboriginal Carers
Young Carers
Aged Care
My Aged Care is the access point for government subsidised aged care services and information. You can find out about types of services and how to get them. This includes services in the community and residential aged care.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to eligible people with disability under the age of 65 years.
People with Disability Australia is a national peak disability rights and advocacy organisation.
Advocacy and Legal Planning
Seniors Rights Service provides free, confidential advocacy, advice, education and legal services to older people in New South Wales
Illawarra Advocacy provides independent advocacy services to people with disability in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven region.
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW (MDDA) is the peak organisation for people from non-English speaking backgrounds with disability, their families and carers in NSW.