Asthma Service


You can lead a normal and healthy life with good asthma management.

We are a team of Asthma Specialist Nurses who provide free holistic and specialty Asthma care to people living with asthma and their parents/carers. We work with you, your GP and specialists to help control your asthma

The Community Asthma Service will help you:

  • Learn to self-manage your asthma to prevent flare ups
  • Stay well with your asthma
  • Prevent visits to hospital
  • Learn Asthma First Aid and know what to do in an asthma emergency
  • Receive basic lung function testing
  • Understand how your asthma puffers work and how to use them

The asthma program is currently run at the Wollongong, Dapto, Nowra Community Centres. 

How to book an appointment or make a referral

All referrals are made through the Access and Referral Centre. Your health care professional can refer you to the service or you can contact the Access and Referral Centre directly to self-refer.

Once your referral has been received a nurse will contact you to organise an appointment. Your asthma session will take approx. 60 minutes. Your nurse will discuss your asthma history, asthma education needs and set goals. Lung function testing may also be performed.

Please bring along your asthma medication, spacer and asthma action plan (if you have one).

Where can I find more information on Asthma?

Asthma Australia - An Asthma Australia site
Asthma Australia delivers high quality information and support to people with asthma and their carers.

National Asthma Council Australia
The National Asthma Council Australia is a not-for-profit organisation working to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people with asthma.

Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
ASCIA is the peak professional body of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists in Australia and New Zealand.

Contact Information

1300 792 755

Monday to Friday

8.30am - 4.45pm Monday to Friday

Saturdays and Sundays

7.00am - 3.00pm


Onsite parking available. Limited timed parking available on surrounding streets.

Disability Access

  • Access to all areas within the building
  • On site accessible parking

Wheelchair accessible toilet and easy access baby change room facilities.