Call for expressions of interest for NSW Health Boards

Illawarra Shoalhaven Local health District (ISLHD) is seeking expressions of interest for its board, providing the opportunity to play a leadership role in the delivery of a world-class health care in New South Wales.
Board members contribute to the management and future direction of the NSW Health system, ISLHD Board Chair, Prof Denis King said.
“Board members play a pivotal role in setting the strategic direction and accountability for managing our public hospitals and health institutions,” Prof King said.
The ISLHD Board consists of 13 members, all appointed by the Minister for Health.
The selection criteria ensure board members have an appropriate mix of skills, experience and expertise to oversee and provide guidance to large and complex organisations.
Individuals should demonstrate the capacity to represent the interests of consumers of health services and the local community served by a district/network, and indicate any affiliations with universities, clinical schools or research centres, as well as skills and experience in one or more of the following areas:
- corporate governance
- health management/health administration
- business/financial management/public administration
- clinical practice/provision of health services to patients
- expertise, knowledge or experience in relation to Aboriginal health
- understanding of local community issues
- understanding of or experience in primary health care.
Accepted applications will be included on the NSW Health Board Register for Local Health District and Specialty Network Boards. The Register will be used to fill vacancies on Local Health District and Specialty Network Boards during 2021 and 2022.
To apply, individuals need to complete an expression of interest indicating their skills and experience relevant to the role.
For information and to obtain an Expression of Interest form visit: or please call 1800 328 998.