What does the Infectious Diseases Outbreaks Team do?
The Infectious Diseases Outbreaks Team at the Public Health Unit provides general advice and information to health care professionals on outbreaks in Residential Care Facilities (including Residential Aged Care Facilities and Disability Support Providers) and child care centres in the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District. We run yearly education sessions which target infectious diseases and outbreak management for residential care facility and child care centre staff within the district.
The Infectious Diseases Outbreaks Team works closely with other organisations such as the Australian Department of Health, NSW Ministry of Health, Infection Management and Control Service (IMACS) and local pathology providers, to ensure we provide the most up-to-date guidance and assistance to facilities in managing their outbreak.
Contact details
Public Health Unit
Phone: 02 4221 6700 or 1300 066 055
Fax: 02 4221 6759