Further limits to hospital visitors

Note: this update is current as at 31 March 2020. Please visit the main ISLHD COVID-19 page for current information.
The Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District has today implemented further restrictions on visiting hospital patients, in a bid to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
From today, there will be restricted hours for essential visits to patients in general wards at all of the District’s hospitals:
- Patients can only have one visitor per day, for no more than one hour.
- Visiting will only be permitted between 11am-12pm and 4pm-5pm.
Other visiting restrictions:
COVID-19 ward and COVID-19 results pending patients
No visitors. We are working to make iPads available so technology including Skype and Facetime may be used in lieu of physical visits.
No visitors
COVID-19 End of Life patients
End of life visiting will be under strictly enforced precautionary protocols, including supervised application of PPE as required.
Non-COVID End of Life patients
No visitor limit or time restriction
Birthing & Maternity
Limit of 1 support person at a time, including during labour. No children under 16 to visit.
Paediatrics (Children’s Ward)
Limit of 1 parent at a time, with no time limit. No children under 16 to visit.
Visitors with physical and/or cognitive impairment will be considered on a case basis via the nursing team.
A reminder also that you should not be visiting patients in hospital if you:
- Have a fever or a cold and flu-like illness; or
- Have been overseas in the last 14 days; or
- Have been in contact in the last 14 days with anyone who has COVID-19.