The following documents are common forms, templates, and other important resources that need to be completed by researchers.
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Research protocol | The Research Protocol Template outlines the plan for how a study is run, a well-written and complete protocol is essential for a high quality study, ensures clarity as to what has been ethically approved and will make publishing the results easier. |
Human Research Ethics Committees - Quality Improvement & Ethical Review: A Practice Guide for NSW | This Guideline assists health professionals undertaking quality improvement activities by helping identify when that activity may require ethical review by a Human Research Ethics Committee. The need for such review is based on identifying any ethical risks that such activities may pose to participants. This Guideline provides a checklist to assist in this task. |
NSW OHMR Guidelines for Low and Negligible Risk (LNR) Research Review Processes or Exemption from Ethical Review | This Guideline represents NSW Health’s Office for Health and Medical Research’s (OHMR’s) interpretation of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (the “National Statement”) as it applies to low and negligible risk research. It is intended to provide greater consistency amongst HRECs and others in interpreting and clarifying some of the concepts contained in the National Statement. It should not be used as a substitute for reading and applying those concepts as directly expressed in the National Statement and other related documents. |
Research Budget Template | The Research Budget Template must be completed for research conducted within the ISLHD which involves ISLHD staff, funding and/or resources. *See Business rule below |
Business Rule: Process for the approval of budgets for research projects within ISLHD | A Business Rule has been developed to ensure that research projects involving staff and/or resources implications have the necessary ISLHD approvals in place. |
Approval to Submit Research Grant Application Form | All applications for research grants involving Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) employees or resources must receive approval from the appropriate ISLHD delegate prior to the grant being submitted. The ISLHD Chief Investigator will need to submit this form along with a copy of the grant application to the Research Support Office at the Wollongong Hospital prior to submitting the grant application. |
Business Rule: Approval to submit a Research Grant Application | Explains the procedures to approve involvement of Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) staff and/or use of ISLHD resources in an application for research. |
Honorary Research Associate Appointment form | This document is a form to be completed when persons, including post-graduate research students, who are not employed by ISLHD seek approval to conduct research on ISLHD sites and/or access to patients or patient data for whom ISLHD is responsible. |
Business Rule - Honorary Appointment | This document outlines the procedures to be followed when persons, including post-graduate research students, who are not employed by ISLHD seek approval to conduct research on ISLHD sites and/or access to patients or patient data for whom ISLHD is responsible.
ISLHD has separate procedures for the clinical placement of students as set out in the NSW Ministry of Health document – Student Placement Agreement for Entry into a Health Occupation. |