Cancer Services Clinical Trials
The ISLHD Cancer Clinical Trials Unit supports clinical trial activity across all areas of cancer treatment across our Local Health District. With a team of highly trained and experienced Investigators and research nurses, we aim to improve the choice, clinical care and outcomes both for cancer patients and future generations.
For more information see the Cancer Services Clinical Trials page.
Cardiovascular Clinical Trials
Cardiovascular Clinical Trials are research studies through which improvements in the prevention, detection and treatment of heart disease are tested. Trials are designed to test how well new medical and scientific advances work in people.
The purpose of each clinical trial is to investigate scientific questions and attempts to find better ways to prevent, screen, diagnose and treat a disease. A clinical trial offers patients an option that may be superior to standard care or the best alternative after standard care.
For more information see the Cardiovascular Clinical Trials page.
Renal Clinical Trials
The ISLHD Renal Service offers numbers of clinical research studies and commercial clinical trials in renal specialty in last decades, from Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis to Transplantation. For more information see Renal Research Webpage or contact the team on (02) 4222 5443 or 4222 5775
Australian Clinical Trials
For all Australian clinical trials visit