Accessing my health information and other personal information

How can I access my personal health information from ISLHD?

The Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIPA) protects a specific type of personal information – referred to as personal health information – including information about your physical or mental health, disability, provision of health services or genetic information.

Medical records are accessed under HRIPA. The Health Information Service in the relevant hospital can assist you in applying for your record.

To apply for your health care records, click this link for the Application Form. Complete the form online, print, and then sign and date it*. Attach a copy of the form, appropriate identification as described on the form and proof of payment to an email. Send your email to *Please note, the application form must be hand signed and dated.

Please phone one of these numbers for information and/or assistance to apply for medical records.

Contact Facility Phone Number
Wollongong Health Information Service

For access to records from:

  • Wollongong Hospital
  • Bulli Hospital
  • Coledale Hospital
(02) 4222 5336
Shellharbour Health Information Service

For access to records from:

  • Shellharbour Hospital
  • Port Kembla Hospital
  • Kiama Hospital
(02) 4295 2464
Shoalhaven Health Information Service

For access to records from:

  • Shoalhaven Hospital
  • Milton Ulladulla Hospital
  • David Berry Hospital
(02) 4423 9435

How can I access my personal information from ISLHD?

Your personal information held by ISLHD is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIPA). The access to personal information under PPIPA excludes your personal health information and covers such documents as personnel records. For further information please click here.