ISLHD provides access to a Cancer Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting for discussion of cancer cases. The MDT is a tumour specific expert team which oversees the diagnosis, treatment and evidence based management of cancers within ISLHD. Members of each ISLHD Cancer MDT include Surgeons, Medical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Radiologists, Pathologists, Nuclear Medicine Specialists, Nurse Specialists and Allied Health Professionals.
Below you will find web links to tumour specific referral forms. This will allow this case to be triaged for MDT discussion and provide the MDT team with all the relevant information required to reach a consensus recommendation.
Upper GI Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Monday 17:00hrs of the Upper GI MDT week. |
Colorectal Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Friday 17:00hrs before the Colorectal MDT week. |
Breast Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referrals be submitted by Tuesday 17:00hrs of the Breast MDT week. |
Lung Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Tuesday 17:00hrs of the Lung MDT week. |
Neuro-Oncology Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Tuesday 17:00hrs of the Neuro-Oncology MDT week. |
Thyroid Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Thursday 17:00hrs of the Thyroid MDT week. |
Head & Neck Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Thursday 17:00hrs of the Head & Neck MDT week. |
Melanoma Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Thursday 17:00hrs of the Melanoma MDT week. |
Lymphoma Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Thursday 17:00hrs of the Lymphoma MDT week. |
Uro-Oncology Cancer | Referral Criteria | Referral must be submitted by Thursday 17:00hrs of the Uro-Oncology MDT week. |
Please note, We are currently transitioning our MDT referral process and therefore the links above may change, we recommend you bookmark this page instead of the individual links above. Links are only accessible from within the health network.
Contact for more information
General Enquiries: email to