Trainees are encouraged to follow the RACP Physician Education Program (PEP) lecture program in conjunction with the IMN Written Examination Preparation Program. In addition to these main activities addressing the core curriculum, the IMN have developed a number of other educational activities aimed at enhancing the overall development of the basic trainee towards that of an advanced trainee including the following:
Journal Club
Is a consultant-led session that is held every Wednesday morning following morning Handover. There is a focus on articles that may be relevant to basic training whilst also focusing on attaining skills in critical analysis and medical statistics.
Practical Skills
The practical sessions that IMN deliver include: Intercostal drain insertion and management; Peripheral joint aspiration; Lumbar Puncture; Pleural and ascitic fluid aspiration; Nasal Support ventilation (CPAP, BiPaP); Tracheostomy Care; Pressure measurement and care of central venous lines; ACLS; ECG skills; spirometry and peak expiratory flow rate determination.
Hospital Grand Rounds
Hospital Grand Rounds are held on Thursdays at 11.30am to 13.00pm.
Professorial Grand Rounds
Wollongong Hospital runs Professorial Grand Rounds three times per year in the Hospital Auditorium. This is a great teaching and networking opportunity for Physicians in the Illawarra. Two Trainees, either basic or advanced, presents an interesting case to the audience. A panel of Professors are asked by the chair to give their opinions on history, investigation & management at relevant points of the presentation. This event is hosted by the Illawarra Medical Network and is a valuable learning opportunity.
Thursday Afternoon Protected Teaching Time
The teaching session runs from 3:00pm to 5:00pm every week and has a focus on the RACP Written examination curriculum.
Transition to Registrar Program
A series of lectures is held towards the end of each clinical year, with a focus on helping residents prepare for the transition to becoming a registrar. There is an emphasis on practical ways of addressing common clinical problems. Talks include: an approach to chest pain, how to run a MET call and radiology interpretation. The series is recorded and available online for those who are off-site.
Advanced Life Support Skills Training
All trainees are given an Advanced Life support course in ISHEC.