Feeding young children can be challenging, from breastfeeding through to feeding fussy toddlers and children. We have support groups and information sessions available to make this easier for you and your family on this journey.
Breastfeeding provides our babies with the best start in life
For more information on breastfeeding, visit our breastfeeding page. You'll find information on the benefits of breastfeeding, the basics and how to breastfeed, medication use while breastfeeding, expressing and links to more information. You can also view and download information on healthy eating while breastfeeding.
If you need help with breastfeeding, the Child and Family Health nurses offer face-to-face support sessions (face-to-face and online options are available). Find available support and register here. You can also make an appointment to see your local Child and Family Health Nurse. Find your nearest clinic here.
Starting Family Foods
Join Child and Family Health nurses in a relaxed environment online to learn everything you need to know about introducing family foods to your baby. A great opportunity for parents and carers to get up-to-date information, ask questions and access resources. For parents and carers of children up to 12 months of age.
Topics covered include:
- How do I know when my baby is ready?
- What and how much food does my baby need?
- What's important to know before you start
- Tips for smooth food journey
- Family food resources
Growing Healthy Eaters
It is normal for meal times to be challenging when you have young children. However there are things you can put in place to make this a little easier for you and your family. Our Growing Healthy Eaters webinars aim to take some of the stress out of feeding young children. These sessions are designed for parents and carers with children between the ages of 12 months and 5 years.
Topics covered include:
- What and how much food children need
- Helping your child learn to eat
- Picky eating
- Responsive eating
- Tips to take the stress out of meal times